New paper out in PNAS: Mother’s Milk

Our new paper on the evolution of the maternal:infant relationship came out last week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Lead author, Dr. Leslea Hlusko, also wrote a blog post on the article, featured on The Conversation. I am really excited to be a part of this project that brings together dental anthropology, genomics, cellular biology, and paleoecology to pose a hypothesis about natural selection on a population of people living at high latitudes in the Beringian Refugium during the Last Glacial Maximum.

The article is open access, so anyone can read the article HERE.

Other press on our recent work:

Science Magazine: Gene linked to breastfeeding may have boosted survival of earliest Americans

UC Berkeley: Did last ice age affect breast feeding in Native Americans?

Newsweek: Genetic Mutation Behind Shoveled Teeth May Have Been Key to Ancestral Survival

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