I am proud to announce our new paper, out now in theĀ Journal of Mammalian Evolution.
Dental Variation in Megabats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae): Tooth Metrics Correlate with Body Size and Tooth Proportions Reflect Phylogeny

This builds from our work in primates (Hlusko et al. 2016) and boreoeutherian mammals (Monson et al. 2019).
This all woman author list was led by PhD student Maddie Zuercher. I trained Maddie to take dental measurements more than 4 years ago, when she was an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley. It’s so rewarding to see a mentoring relationship progress all the way through publication. So proud of her & the other former undergrad coauthors. Just remember undergrads: it’s never to early to get started in research!