
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA, USA
Email: tesla.monson@wwu.edu



University of California, Berkeley, CA
Ph.D. in Integrative Biology
San Francisco State University, CA
M.A. in Biological Anthropology
Princeton University, NJ
B.A. in Anthropology


Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute, accepted into program. 4-week session, including $1,250 honorarium
Top Downloaded Paper 2018-2019 in Ecology and Evolution (certificate)
Best Poster Presentation in Ecology and Evolution, (co-author), WCBSURC, Moraga, CA (2018)
AAPA Student Presentation Award – Honorable Mention, AAPA Conference in New Orleans, LA (2017)
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, Graduate Division, University of California, Berkeley (2017)
Jerry O. Wolff Fellowship, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (2016)
Lakhan-Pal Graduate Fellowship, Department of Integrative Biology (2016)
Desmond Clark Graduate Fellowship Award, Human Evolution Research Center, UC Berkeley (2015)
Desmond Clark Graduate Fellowship Award, Human Evolution Research Center, UC Berkeley (2015)
Chancellor’s Fellowship, UC Berkeley (2012-2014)
William V. Power Graduate Award, UC Berkeley (2012)
Valedictorian, Anthropology, San Francisco State University (2012)
ASI Graduate Student Scholarship, San Francisco State University (2011)


2019 – present
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Postdoctoral Researcher, Anthropologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
Postdoctoral Researcher, Hlusko Lab, Dept. Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
Dept. Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
Human Biological Variation (IntegBio 35AC, Summer 2017)
2014 – 2017
Graduate Student Instructor, Dept. Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
Human Biological Variation (IntegBio 35AC, Fall 2014)
Human Reproduction (IntegBio 140, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017)
Human Anatomy (IntegBio 131L, Fall 2015)
Archaeology Field Crew (volunteer), Qwu?gwes, Olympia, WA
2007 – 2008 
Curatorial Assistant (volunteer), Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Berkeley, CA


2021 – present
Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Biological Anthropology
Western Washington University Academic Advisor – BioAnth BA/BS and Biocultural BA tracks
WWU Pre-Health Professional Advising Committee, Western Wash. Univ.
Academic Technology Committee, Western Washington University
Session Chair, Paleoanthropology: Quantitative Studies – from numbers to phenotypes, AABA
Admissions Committee for Academic Merit and Diversity Fellows, Dept. Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley


Primate Evolution Lab, Western Washington University

Human Evolution Research Center, UC Berkeley
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley.
University of California Museum of Paleontology, UC Berkeley.
Anthropologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Zürich


American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, International Congress for Vertebrate Morphology, International Association for Paleodontology


National Science Foundation – Biological Anthropology ($556,927), RUI: Morphometric investigation of the evolution of circumorbital morphology, modularity, and integration in hominids (Lead PI).
Tech Initiative, WWU ($12,887), Building Student Engagement and Scientific Training Using 3D Printing in Anthropology Curriculum.

Summer Teaching Grant, Western Washington University ($6,000), Meeting new ethical standards for WWU’s osteology curriculum.
Manuscript Preparation Grant, Western Washington University ($2,200), to support publication of “Teeth, prenatal growth rates, and the evolution of human- like pregnancy in later Homo” in PNAS.
Mini-grant, Western Washington University ($1,000), to support travel to Inuyama, Japan for research
National Science Foundation-MRI ($534,617), MRI: Acquisition of a micro- computed tomography scanner for interdisciplinary research at Western Washington University (Co-PI)
Pilot Project Grant, WWU ($5,000), New directions for investigating the evolution of the primate eye.

Tech Initiative, WWU ($26,614), Portable 3D scanner for improving student access and enhancing classroom instruction.

Leakey Foundation Grant ($23,265), Title: Evolution of the primate cranium: Craniofacial modularity in extant colobines.
Manuscript Preparation Grant, Western Washington University ($2,200), to support publication of “Neutral evolution of human enamel-dentine junction morphology” in PNAS.

Graduate Campus, University of Zurich ($4,770), Title: Integrative Human Evolution Symposium 2019; Organizer and lead PI on the grant.

Robert and Nancy Beim Endowed Graduate Field Research Fund ($1,750)
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology ($500), Graduate Student Travel Grant
UC Museum of Paleontology ($900), Graduate Student Travel Grant
UC Museum of Paleontology ($1,288), Summer Research Funds

Department of Integrative Biology ($3,800), Title: The evolution of dental eruption sequence in artiodactyls (T. Monson)
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology ($2,000), Title: The evolution of dental eruption sequence in artiodactyls (T. Monson)
Palaeontological Scientific Trust ($2,167), Title: Developing a Quantitative Approach for Identifying Paleo Species in the South African Fossil Record of Old World Monkeys (with: LJ Hlusko, DJ Stratford, and MF Brasil)
UC Museum of Paleontology ($700), Graduate Student Travel Grant

Museum of Vertebrate Zoology ($500), Graduate Student Travel Grant


Monson TA. 2023. Fossil teeth reveal how brains developed in utero over millions of years of human evolution – new research. The Conversation.

Brasil MF, Monson TA, Taylor CE, Yohler R, Hlusko LJ. 2023. A Pleistocene assemblage of near-modern Papio hamadryas from the Middle Awash study area, Afar Rift, Ethiopia. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 180.1: 48-76 (cover).

Brasil MF, Monson TA, Taylor CE, Yohler R, Hlusko LJ. 2023. Hundreds of Colobus (Cercopithecidae: Primates) fossils from the later Pleistocene of Ethiopia’s Middle Awash study area. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 180(1), 77-114 (cover).

Taylor CE, Brasil MF, Monson TA, Yohler R, Hlusko LJ. 2023. Halibee fossil assemblages reveal later Pleistocene Cercopithecus (Cercopithecidae: Primates) in the Middle Awash of Ethiopia. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 180(1), 6-47 (cover).

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Hlusko LJ, Weitz AP. 2022. Teeth, prenatal growth rates, and the evolution of human-like pregnancy in later Homo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119(41), e2200689119.

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Mahaney MC, Schmitt CA, Taylor CE, Hlusko LJ. 2022. Keeping 21st Century Paleontology Grounded: Quantitative Genetic Analyses and Ancestral State Reconstruction Re-Emphasize the Essentiality of Fossils. Biology. 11(8):1218

Segura V, Geiger M, Monson TA, Flores D, Sánchez-Villagra MR. 2022. Biological and cultural history of domesticated dogs in the Americas. Anthropozoologica. 57(1), 1-18 (cover).

Saco-Ledo G, Porta J, Monson TA, Brasil MF, Duyar I. 2021. Body proportions according to stature groups in elite athletes. Research in Sports Medicine. 1-13.

Zuercher ME, Monson TA, Dvoretzky RR, Ravindramurthy S, Hlusko LJ. 2021. Dental variation in megabats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae): tooth metrics correlate with body size and tooth proportions reflect phylogeny. Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 28(2), 543-558

Brasil MF, Monson TA, Schmitt CA, Hlusko LJ. 2020. A genotype: phenotype approach to testing taxonomic hypotheses in hominids. The Science of Nature, 107(5):1-6.

Monson TA. 2020. Patterns and magnitudes of craniofacial covariation in extant cercopithecidsThe Anatomical Record. https://doi.org/10.1002/ar.24398

Monson TA, Ferrer D, Scherrer M. 2020. Neutral evolution of human enamel-dentine junction morphology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 

Saco-Ledo G, Porta J, Monson TA, Brasil MF, Atamtürk D, Duyar I. 2020. Piecewise regression equations for estimating stature: an anthropometric study in Spanish females. International Journal of Legal Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00414-020-02350-9

Monson TA, Boisserie JR, Brasil MF, Clay SM, Dvoretzky R, Ravindramurthy S, Schmitt CA, Souron A, Takenaka R, Ungar PS, Yoo S, Zhou M, Zuercher ME, & Hlusko LJ. 2019. Evidence of strong stabilizing effects on the evolution of boreoeutherian (Mammalia) dental proportions. Ecology and Evolution. 9:7597-7612. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.5309

Monson TA, Coleman JL, Hlusko LJ. 2019. Craniodental allometry, prenatal growth rates, and the evolutionary loss of the third molars in New World monkeys. The Anatomical Record. 302(8):1419-1433.

Hlusko LJ, Carlson J, Chaplin G, Elias SA, Hoffecker JF, Huffman M, Jablonski NG, Monson TA, O’Rourke DH, Pilloud MA, Scott GR. 2018. Environmental selection during the last ice age on the mother-to-infant transmission of vitamin D and fatty acids through breast milk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1711788115

Monson TA, Armitage DW, Hlusko LJ. 2018. Using machine learning to classify extant apes and interpret the dental morphology of the chimpanzee-human last common ancestor. PaleoBios. 35:1-20.

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Hlusko LJ. 2018. Allometric variation in modern humans and the relationship between body proportions and elite athletic successJournal of Sport of Anthropology and Physical Education. 3:3-8.

Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2018. Breaking the rules: phylogeny, not life history, explains dental eruption sequence in primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 167:217-233.

Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2018. The evolution of dental eruption sequence in artiodactyls. Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 25:15-26. doi:10.1007/s10914-016-9362-9.

Monson TA. 2017. On the Sequence of Postcanine Tooth Eruption in Mammals. Doctoral Dissertation, University of California Berkeley.

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Stratford DJ, Hlusko LJ. 2017. Patterns of craniofacial variation and taxonomic diversity in the South African Cercopithecidae fossil record. Palaeontologia Electronica. 20.1.7A:1-20.

Hlusko LJ, Schmitt CA, Monson TA, Brasil MF, Mahaney MC. 2016.The integration of quantitative genetics, paleontology, and neontology reveals genetic underpinnings of primate dental evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 133(33):9262-9267.

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Hlusko LJ. 2015. Report on materials from the southern branch of the UC Africa Expedition with a description of new fossil localities. PaleoBios. 32(1), 1-17.

Monson T, Hlusko LJ. 2014. Identification of a derived dental trait in the papionini relative to other old world monkeys. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 155(3):422-429.

Monson T. 2013. Temporal and spatial distribution of vertebrate remains at Qwu?gwes. In: Croes D, Foster R, Ross L, editors. The Qwu?gwes archaeological site and fish trap (45TN240) and tested homestead (45TN396). Olympia: Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. Pp.144-153. Not Peer-Reviewed.

Monson TA. 2012. Metameric variation in the expression of the interconulus in Papio and Macaca. MA dissertation, San Francisco State University. Dissertation.

Abstracts for Meetings Presentations

Monson TA, Weitz AP, Brasil MF, Hlusko LJ. Prenatal growth rates and the evolution of hominid encephalization. American Association of Biological Anthropologists. Reno, April 2023.

Brasil MF, Monson TA, Taylor CE, Yohler RM, Hlusko LJ. 2022. Hundreds of Colobus fossils from the Late Pleistocene of the Afar Rift, Ethiopia. American Association of Biological Anthropology. April 2022.

Epps, J. 2022. Bones here, bones there, bones everywhere: Bioarchaeology and osteology in action. WWU Scholar’s Week. May 2022. *Supervised

Hlusko LJ, Scott GR, Monson TA, Brasil MF. 2022. So much more than teeth: how knowledge of the genetic architecture of the dentition improves and broadens our understanding of human evolution. European Society for the study of Human Evolution. September 2022.

Maloy K, Joker R, Pipp I, Hyde C, Smyth E, Baseman E, Price M. 2022. Master’s-level theses designed to enact change. WWU Scholar’s Week. May 2022. *Supervised

Pallas L, Endalamaw M. Boisserie J-R, Hlusko LJ, Monson TA, Brasil MF. 2022. Postcranial specimens from Shungura: Papio, Theropithecus or Soromandrillus. 76th Congress of the Japan Society for Anthropology. Kyoto, Japan. September 2022.

Taylor CE, Brasil MF, Monson TA, Yohler RM, Hlusko LJ. 2022. Population-level variation in later Pleistocene Cercopithecus fossil assemblages. American Association of Biological Anthropology. April 2022.

Brasil MF, Monson TA, Taylor CE. 2021. Testing for allometric effects on shaft-to-end proportions of modern human limb bones. American Association of Physical Anthropology. April 2021.

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Schmitt CA, Taylor CE, Yohler R, Hlusko LJ. 2021. Using phenotypic integration to understand the evolution of the cercopithecid maxillary dentition. American Association of Physical Anthropology. April 2021.

Taylor CE, Brasil MF, Monson TA, Yohler R, Hlusko LJ. 2021. Population level variation in Late Pleistocene Cercopithecus fossil assemblages. American Association of Physical Anthropology. April 2021.

Monson TA. 2020. Human enamel-dentine junction morphology evolves neutrally and tracks population history. American Association of Physical Anthropology. April 2020.

Hlusko LJ, Carlson JP, Chaplin G, Elias SA, Hoffecker JF, Huffman M, Jablonski NG, Monson TA, O’Rourke DH, Pilloud MA, Taylor C., Scott GR. 2019. World-wide variation in incisor shoveling reveals evidence of selection in the Beringian Standstill population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 168:104-104.

Monson TA, Fecker D, Scherrer M. 2019. Geometric morphometric investigation of enamel-dentine junction morphology in a global sample of late Holocene human populations. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Prague, Czech Republic.

Monson TA, Scherrer M, Fecker D, de León MSP, Zollikofer CPE. 2019. Ancient population structure and episodes of selection are captured by Late Holocene human dental morphology. Swiss Organismal Biology Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Hlusko LJ. 2018. Allometric variation in modern humans and the relationship between body proportions and elite athletic success.European Society for Human Evolution, Faro, Portugal.

Schmitt CA, Cooke SB, Brasil MF, Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2018. Genetically patterned dental phenotypes show evidence for diet-related evolutionary change in platyrrhine primates. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX.

Zuercher ME, Dvoretzky RR, Ravindramurthy S, Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2018. Dental Variation in Pteropodidae (Chiroptera: Mammalia). West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference, Moraga, CA. Winner, Best Poster in Ecology and Evolution.

Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2017. The relationship between dental eruption sequence, phylogeny and life history in the evolution of primate dentition. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans, LA.

Brasil MF, Monson TA, Schmitt CA, Hlusko LJ. 2017. Plio-Pleistocene hominid diversity interpreted through the genetic mechanisms that pattern the dentition. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans, LA.

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Stratford DJ, Hlusko LJ. 2016. Phenotypic integration of the cranium and face in fossil Cercopithecidae with implications for interpreting species in the Old World Monkey fossil record. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 159:233-234.

Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2016. Environmental change, resource availability and the evolution of dental eruption patterns in artiodactyls (Mammalia: Artiodactyla). International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Bethesda, MD.

Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2016. Late premolar eruption is derived in the ruminants and may represent an adaptation to changes in diet or life history. Integrative and Comparative Biology Vol. 56:E336.

Brasil MF, Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2015. South African fossil monkey mandibles in the University of California Museum of Paleontology. PaleoBios 32:5.

Monson TA, Brasil MF, Hlusko LJ. 2015. South African fossil baboons and evolutionary changes in Papio postcanine dentition. PaleoBios 32:11.

Monson TA, Hlusko LJ. 2014. Identification of a derived dental trait in the papionini relative to other old world monkeys. International Symposium on Dental Morphology, Zagreb, Croatia.

Gutierrez S, Monson T, Hlusko L. 2013. An analysis of Struthio sp. eggshells from the Middle and Late Stone Age of the Transvaal, South Africa. Santa Cruz: SACNAS 40:84.

Marquez II B, Monson T, Hlusko L. 2013. The bovidae of Gladysvale Cave and the environmental implications in the context of other fossil-bearing localities in the northern Transvaal region, South Africa. Santa Cruz: SACNAS 40:83.

Monson T, Hlusko LJ. 2012. Metameric variation in the expression of the interconulus in Papio and Macaca. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147(54):216.


2023     Department of Biology. University of Kentucky. Organizer: Phillip Skipwith. Title: Craniodental covariation and the evolution of human pregnancy.

2022     Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior. Kyoto University, Japan. Organizer: Susumu Tomiya. Prenatal growth rates and the evolution of human pregnancy.

2022     Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior. Kyoto University, Japan. Organizer: Susumu Tomiya. Title: Beyond the family BBQ.

2022     BioAnth Seminar. Invited speaker for the University of Washington biological anthropology seminar. Organizer: Steven Goodreau. Title of presentation: The Evolution of Human Pregnancy.

2022     Princeton Alumni Speaker Series. Invited speaker for the Western Washington Regional Alumni group. Title of presentation: The Past, Present, and Future of Being Human.

2021     PaleoLunch. Invited speaker for the University of Washington paleontology seminar. Organizer: Gregory Wilson Mantilla. Title of presentation: Craniodental evolution of African cercopithecid monkeys: a fossil-forward approach.

2021     Paleoanthropology Seminar. Invited speaker for the Washington University in St. Louis paleoanthropology seminar. Organizer: David Strait. Title of presentation: From fossil to machines: 3D imaging and artificial intelligence in paleoanthropology.

2019     Integrative Human Evolution Symposium. Interdisciplinary symposium on human evolution. Keynote Speaker. Organizer: Rahel Brügger and Tesla Monson. Title of presentation: Artificial Intelligence and Human Evolution.

2018      Marin Science Seminar. Invited speaker for community lecture sponsored by Terra Linda High School. Organizer: Alfia and Art Wallace. Title of presentation: Gnashing, Gnawing, and Grinding: The Science of Teeth.

2018      Evolutionary Anthropology Colloquium, University of California, Davis. Invited speaker for a colloquium sponsored by the Department of Anthropology at UC Davis. Organizers: Jelmer Eerkens, Cristina Moya, and Margaret Crofoot. Title: Breaking the rules: phylogeny, not life history, explain dental eruption sequence in mammals.

2017      East Bay Science Café. Invited speaker for community lecture sponsored by Science at Cal. Organizer: Lisa White, Director of Education and Outreach, UC Museum of Paleontology. Title of presentation: Chew on this: the evolution of tooth eruption in mammals.

2016      University of Dubuque Department of Natural and Applied Sciences. Invited speaker for departmental seminar series. Organizer: Gerald Zuercher, Department Chair. Title of presentation: Chew on this: the evolution of mammalian dentition.

2013      American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Invited speaker in the symposium: Monkey Business: Recent Developments on the Evolution of Old World Monkeys. Invited Podium Symposium. Organizers: Steven Frost and Leslea Hlusko. Title of presentation: Fossil monkeys from South Africa in the University of California’s Museum of Paleontology collections (T. Monson).

2009      Squaxin Island Tribal Community Center. Invited presenter at the symposium: Summary of 11 Years of Excavation at Qwu?gwes. Organizer: Dale Croes, Rhonda Foster and Larry Ross. Title of presentation: Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Vertebrate Fauna: Summary of Qwu?gwes Excavation (1999-2009).


2020       Department of Anthropology. Speaker for the Departmental Brown Bag Series. Organizer: Sean Bruna, Associate Professor. Title of presentation: Using dental morphology to reconstruct human population movement in the archaeological record.

2018      Anthropology Institute. Speaker in Computer-Assisted Paleoanthropology. Organizer: Christoph Zollikofer, Professor. Title of presentation: Evolution of skeletal and dental variation in mammals.

2018      Advocates for Public Health. Invited seminar speaker for a DeCal class, associated with Public Health Advocate. Organizer: Vedaja Surapaneni. Title of presentation: Exposing Medical Research and its Secrets: An Evolutionary Biologist’s Take on Some of the Most Important Issues in Medical Research Today.

2017      Department of Integrative Biology. Graduate student finishing talk. Title of presentation: Breaking the rules: phylogeny, not life history, explain dental eruption sequence in mammals.

2016      Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Invited speaker for museum seminar series. Organizer: Michael Nachman, Museum Director. Title of presentation: Environmental change, resource availability and the evolution of dental eruption patterns in Artiodactyla.

2015      Let’s Have An Awesome Time Doing Science. Invited presenter at the conference: A discussion on maintaining happiness in a challenging career. Organizer: Jamie Schwendinger-Schreck. Title of presentation: Amplifying graduate student voices: The power of science outreach and radio.

2015      University of California Museum of Paleontology. Invited speaker for museum vertebrate paleontology seminar series. Organizer: Kevin Padian. Title of presentation: Dental eruption sequence in artiodactyls.

2013      Primate Biology Group, Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley. Invited speaker. Organizer: Katharine Milton. Title of presentation. Metameric variation in primate dentition.

2011      San Francisco State University Department of Anthropology. Invited guest lecturer for ANTH 110: Intro to Archaeology. Organizers: Gary Pahl. Title of presentation: Collaboration and the Future of North American Archaeology: Qwu?gwes as a Case Study.

2010      7th Annual SFSU Human Rights Summit. Invited speaker. Organizer: Cynthia Wilczak. Title of presentation: Community outreach and North American archaeology.


2020      Workshop in Scientific Photography. For undergraduate students in the Department of Anthropology at Western Washington University.

2020      Workshop in R Statistical Programming. For faculty and students in the Department of Anthropology at Western Washington University.

2018      Workshop in Science Communication and Outreach II. Director. Radio and podcast. I trained graduate students using The Graduates radio program. Goals included advancing science communication, presentation of research, outreach, and diversity in STEM. I led workshops on methods in interviewing, broadcasting, and publicity and promotions.

2017      Workshop in Science Communication and Outreach I. Director. Radio and podcast. I trained graduate students using The Graduates radio program. Goals included advancing science communication, presentation of research, outreach, and diversity in STEM. I led workshops on recruiting speakers, using radio equipment, and digital recording.


2009      Qwu?gwes Archaeological Site and Fish Trap (45TN240), directed by Dale Croes, South Puget Sound Community College, Olympia, WA.

2016 – Present     Middle Awash fossil preparation and study, Ethiopian National Museum, Addis Ababa

2014 – Present     Study of dental eruption sequence in mammals, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

2013 – Present     Study of primate fossils from South Africa, University of California Museum of Paleontology, Evolutionary Studies Institute at University of the Witwatersrand, and Ditsong Museum of Natural History in Pretoria, South Africa.

2007 – Present     Study of craniodental variation in Native Californians, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Berkeley, CA.

2007 – Present     Study of extant primate dental variation, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.


2023    Wenner-Gren Funded Workshop – Ontogeny in the fossil record. Invited participant, held over 3 days in Minden, NV (April).

2018    Computed Tomography Scanning Workshop
Workshop participant, held at the University of Zurich (September).

2013    Geometric Morphometrics Workshop
Workshop participant, held at University of California, Berkeley (August).

2009    Mud Bay Field School
Qwu?gwes Archaeological Site and Fish Trap (45TN240), South Puget Sound Community College, Olympia, WA.


2022 American Journal of Biological Anthropology, Integrative and Comparative Biology, Nature, PNAS (guest editor)
2021 American Journal of Biological Anthropology, Journal of Human Evolution, Leakey Foundation
2020 Evolutionary Cell Biology book series, Journal of Human Evolution
2019 Journal of Morphology, Mammalian Biology, Zoological Research
2018 Palaeontologia Electronica, Scientific Reports


Head Instructor, Courses at Western Washington University
Anthropology 215: Intro to Biological Anthropology. Head instructor (80 students).
Anthropology 320: Skeletons and the Occult. Head instructor (35 students).
Anthropology 420/520: Human Osteology and Forensics. Head instructor (25 students).
Anthropology 423/525: Human Evolution. Head instructor (25 students).
Anthropology 490: Advanced Topics in Paleoanthropology. Head instructor. Writing Proficiency 3 course (15 students).
Anthropology 490: Earliest Art and Culture. Head instructor. Writing Proficiency 3 course (20 students).
Anthropology 490: Evolution of Human Cognition. Head instructor. Writing Proficiency 3 course
(6 students).
Honors 350: Human Evolution in Sci-Fi Literature. Head instructor (15 students).

Head Instructor, Courses at University of California, Berkeley
Integrative Biology 35ac: Human Biological Variation.
Head Instructor. Summer 2017 (17 students), Fall 2017 (297 students).

Graduate Student Instructor, Courses at University of California, Berkeley
Integrative Biology 140: Human Reproduction.
Graduate student instructor. Lectured and led group discussion for 20 students in 3-4 sections during the semester-long course, 60-80 students total.
Integrative Biology 131L: Anatomy Lab. Graduate student instructor. Lectured and led lab rotations for 30 students during the semester-long course.
Integrative Biology 35ac: Human Biological Variation. Graduate student instructor. Lectured and led group discussion for 20 students in 3 sections during the semester-long course, 60 students total.


Washington Women (2019-present) Twitter and radio outreach initiative focused on highlighting influential women in Washington State History. Published weekly. And broadcast weekly on KMRE 102.3 FM.
The Graduates (2013-2018) Host and producer of a radio talk show promoting science outreach and education, and diversity in academia. Broadcast bimonthly on KALX 90.7 FM and available as a podcast. One of the only science talk shows in the Bay Area. More than 50 episodes highlighting diverse research topics including anthropology, ecology and conservation, physics, and paleontology. https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/the-graduates/id354826035?mt=10


Bearded Lady Project.
Featured paleontologist for the Bearded Lady Project and travelling exhibition of portraits.

Integrative Human Evolution Symposium, April 2019. One-day symposium to be held at the University of Zurich, organized by the PI in collaboration with junior researchers (graduate student and postdocs) with the goal of bringing together interdisciplinary researchers from multiple disciplines to promote scientific knowledge, communication and education about human evolution and human origins. The primary goals of the Symposium are to provide career development opportunities for junior researchers, to facilitate an interdisciplinary research environment, to promote a platform for diversity in academia and the sciences, and to offer an opportunity for science communication and education.
Washington Women. Twitter outreach initiative focused on highlighting influential women in Washington State History. Published weekly.

Planet Forward. Science storytelling can build bridges to understanding. Interview about science communication and representation.

2012 – 2018
IB Women in Science. Organization supporting women in science with discussion on topics relevant to diversity in STEM. Board member.

2013 – 2017
Cal Day. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and University of California Museum of Paleontology. Engaging with the public and discussing science.

Koret Visitor Center. Invited contributor to an exhibit on UC Berkeley, featuring my research and outreach activities.
UCMP Blogpost. 2016. “Our journey from the UCMP to South Africa to study fossil monkeys.” Blogpost about the UCMP South African vertebrate collections and the resulting research trip to South Africa. Co-author. UC Berkeley. http://ucmp.berkeley.edu/blog/archives/4111

California Academy of Sciences NightLife. BiteLife – the Paleo Diet. Presenter representing the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
Graduate Minority Student Project. Panel speaker at the panel: Balancing graduate work and life. University of California, Berkeley.

Expanding Your Horizons. Conference intended to introduce middle school girls to careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Volunteer.
Bay Area Science Festival. Presenter representing the University of California Museum of Paleontology at AT&T Park in San Francisco.


The Front. Dr. Tesla Monson receives grant from the Leakey Foundation for research. 
The Leakey Foundation. Grantee Spotlight: Tesla Monson.
Western Today. Research Recap: New Grants Awarded in Anthropology and Biology.

Western Today. Tesla Monson’s Research Sheds New Light on the Evolution of Vision in Primates. https://westerntoday.wwu.edu/features/tesla-monson-s-research-sheds-new-light-on-the-evolution-of-vision-in-primates

Western Today. Beards, Disparity, and the Sciences: Western’s Tesla Monson takes aim at gender discrimination through Smithsonian exhibit. https://westerntoday.wwu.edu/features/beards-disparity-and-the-sciences-westerns-tesla-monson-takes-aim-at-discrimination-though

BBC’s Up All Night Interview with Rhod Sharpe about the last common ancestor, 29.08.18 https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bgq6y2
A New Clue About Humanity’s Last Common Ancestor with Apes is Revealed. https://www.inverse.com/article/48381-last-common-ancestor-teeth-study
Inverse. Wingspan’s Huge Role in Athletic Ability Revealed in NBA Study.
Science. Gene linked to breastfeeding may have boosted survival of earliest Americans.
Berkeley News. Did last ice age affect breast feeding in Native Americans?http://news.berkeley.edu/2018/04/23/did-last-ice-age-affect-breast-feeding-in-native-americans/

ScienceDaily. Changes in primate teeth linked to rise of monkeys.
GradNews. Meet Tesla Monson, Host of KALX’s ‘The Graduates.’

The Berkeley Graduate. The Berkeley Graduate Interviews The Graduates.

Berkeley Science Review. Archaeology and the Untold Stories of the African Diaspora. http://berkeleysciencereview.com/archaeology-untold-stories-african-diaspora/
Berkeley Science Review. Dinosaur Eggs and Ancient Mammals.
Berkeley Science Review. Feeding on the Fall. http://berkeleysciencereview.com/jenna-judge-graduates/
The DailyCal. Meet the student DJs at KALX.